Thursday, June 28, 2012

SCC Sponsored HIP and Electives Showcase Night Set

Our Electives teachers and High Interest Program advisors will also showcase their classes on Thursday, August 23 in the cafe from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

2012-13 School Community Council Members Announced

The parents' representative to the MMS SCC for SY 2012-13 are indicated below.   
Mr. Roger Babcock
Mr. Anthony Gaston
Mr. Michael Nakasato 

The community's representative to the MMS SCC for SY 2012-13 are indicated below:
Mr. Ron Menor
Ms. Shelly Sumile

Thank you all for your volunteerism and consideration to improving student achievement at Mililani Middle School.

The complete SCC membership will be announce at a later time.  Students and teachers are in the process of selecting people for representation on the Council.
Induction of members will be held at the July meeting.